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» Suis-je la seule à toujours fréquenter le forum?
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Icon_minitimeMer 28 Mai - 13:57 par Lloyd

» Bonne année 2013 !!
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Icon_minitimeLun 11 Mar - 13:47 par Lloyd

» Saint Seiya Omega
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc - 18:59 par Lloyd

» Black Rock Shooter
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc - 18:58 par Lloyd

» [ToX2] Opening de Tales of Xillia 2
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Icon_minitimeMer 14 Nov - 20:32 par Lloyd

» presentation reianshitsu
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Icon_minitimeMer 24 Oct - 18:20 par Link

» Tales of Symphonia Anime OAV La réunification des deux mondes en vostfr(HD)
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Icon_minitimeLun 22 Oct - 20:00 par reianshitsu

» Que faites vous dernierement?
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Icon_minitimeSam 20 Oct - 20:32 par Lloyd

» Full metal alchemist
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Oct - 20:09 par Link

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Tales of Phantasia
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap9%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 9% [ 6 ]
Tales of Destiny
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap3%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 3% [ 2 ]
Tales of Eternia
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap3%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 3% [ 2 ]
Tales of Destiny 2
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap0%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap37%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 37% [ 26 ]
Tales of Legendia
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap0%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Tales of Rebitrth
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap1%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 1% [ 1 ]
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap7%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 7% [ 5 ]
Tales of Innocence
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap6%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 6% [ 4 ]
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap13%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 13% [ 9 ]
Tales of Hearts
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap4%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 4% [ 3 ]
Tales of Graces
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap11%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 11% [ 8 ]
Aucun je préfères Final fantasy [bande de traître]
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap4%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 4% [ 3 ]
Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_lcap1%Tales of the world Radiant mythology Vote_rcap
 1% [ 1 ]
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Tales of the world Radiant mythology

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Mer 9 Juin - 14:54
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